When handling valuable, high-end merchandise, ensuring orders are processed and packaged correctly is imperative, particularly at a time when expedient, efficient delivery is a top priority for consumers. No matter how stellar your products may be, without effective delivery solutions, customers may be willing to sacrifice quality in order to have their items arrive more […]
Packing Tips for Moving
Preparing to move your home or office? Moving is an arduous, dirty and occasionally frustrating process, but it doesn’t have to be. When you implement a system, create a checklist and hire great local movers, you’ll pull it all off without a hitch. Here are our best packing tips for moving in Columbus, OH to […]
The Effects of COVID-19 on the White Glove Industry
White glove logistics is always an interesting challenge, but no year has been more challenging than this one. The COVID-19 pandemic has made it more difficult to schedule white glove logistics in Columbus, OH. Thanks to COVID-19’s highly transmissible nature, and the sheer amount of contact involved in a white glove delivery or assembly, the […]
Want to Offer White Glove Delivery? Here’s How to Afford It
There is no doubt that white glove shipping will give you an edge on your competition and create happy repeat customers. However, budgeting for white glove logistics and service in Columbus, OH can be challenging, especially early in its implementation. Rather than panic, rest assured there are cost-effective ways to start this service and offer […]
Why Hire White Glove Services?
As delivery culture takes over during the time of COVID-19, there are more questions about what white glove delivery service is and why companies in Columbus, OH should use it. The term arises from the literal effort of times past, when shippers wore white gloves as they handled specialty products. Now, it arises as customer […]